Professional Mentorship Program

Mentee Application

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  • MM slash DD slash YYYY

Mentor Application

Mentor Application for Professional Mentorship Program

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The Professional Mentorship Program pair’s students with working professionals in order prepare them for their intended careers. Research continues to show that mentoring relationships can greatly enhance learning and growth among both the student mentee and the professional mentor.  As an extracurricular opportunity, students who choose a mentoring relationship gain long-term benefits by being connected to supportive professional networks as they move through their collegiate experience into careers of choice.



Mentoring, at its core, assures students that there is someone who cares about them and is willing to accompany and guide them as they navigate academic study while discerning career choices. Many students speak of mentoring as a rich source of encouragement that makes them feel like they matter – and they do matter!  Ultimately, mentoring enhances both personal and professional growth while developing  social & economic opportunity for students.  

Lastly, research confirms that students who participate in professional mentoring programs are more likely to have an enriched educational experience, achieve completion (i.e graduate), and have greater job placement rates after graduation.






Benefits for Students (Mentees)
  1. Gain life skills, career knowledge, and experience
  2. Expand professional networks.
  3. Benefit from encouragement, inspiration and support (professional, academic, personal).
  4. Potential life-long connection between mentor/mentee


MENTOR (Professional) BENEFITS

Many mentors say that the rewards they gain are as substantial as those for their mentee and that mentoring has enabled them to:

  • Achieve personal growth and learn more about themselves
  • Enhance self-image by helping and making a difference in the life of another
  • Gain a better understanding of other people and cultures and develop a greater appreciation for diversity.
  • Feel a greater connection to and appreciation for their own profession and the work they do in the world.

Above all, a good mentor is willing to take the time to get to know their mentee, to learn new things that are important to the student, and even to be changed by their relationship.



























Spots for both mentors and mentees are available throughout the year, even during the summer.

For more information, contact Dave Ferris,

Coordinator of Career Services,


or [email protected]