Laptop Loan Program


Trocaire College provides a limited number of laptops to students on a first-come, first-served basis.


All current enrolled students are eligible! We understand the costs of technology can create barriers to achieving your goals, and we want to help.

Laptop Loan Process

  • Submit the online form below. ** Please note:  Spring 2025 requests are being placed on a waiting list.
  • Palisano Learning Center staff will respond to your request in 5 business days while classes are in session.
  • If the request can be filled, the student will pick up equipment on campus.
  • Students must log into their Trocaire account on campus before they take their laptop home or the laptop won’t work.
  • Laptop loans are for up to one semester in duration.


Palisano Learning Center

[email protected]

Laptop Loan Program Form

How are you currently using technology to meet your academic requirements?(Required)
Select all that apply