Student Engagement Space Reservation

Student Engagement Space Reservation

Fill out this Form to request a reservation for the Back Foyer, Commons, or Student Engagement Rooms (131, 133). Please allow 24 hours for an email to confirm or deny your reservation request.

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
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    The Back Foyer and The Commons should be reserved for events. 131 and 133 should be reserved for club or student meetings, tutoring, or quiet study. Please be aware that those that reserve rooms 131 and 133 are responsible for cleaning up the spaces afterward. Food is not allowed in those spaces. Up to four (4) people may be in these rooms.
  • Please enter a number from 0 to 120.
    When you are arriving for your appointment for the Study Rooms, please stop by the Student Life Office (Room 141) for the door to be unlocked.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.