As a student, you are considered an "active student" in our records for two semesters, even if not enrolled in classes. This means your email is on and we're actively trying to communicate with you. In contrast, taking a Leave of Absence has a special meaning and criteria.
According to the Trocaire Catalog: A student in good academic standing, with a GPA of 2.0 or higher, who wishes to take a Leave of Absence must request this in writing to the Vice President for Academic Affairs (this form can count for that). In any calendar year, a student may be granted no more than one leave, and ordinarily it may not extend beyond one full semester. A student who does not return at the end of a Leave of Absence will be considered withdrawn from the college. This withdrawal will be effective as of the beginning date of the Leave of Absence. Except for serious reasons, a Leave of Absence will not be granted after Add and Drop day in each semester. Students granted a Leave of Absence for medical reasons must have a doctor’s release to return to the college.